Power Posing and Positive Body Language -- The Secret to Boosting Confidence in Social Situations
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Learn the powerful techniques of power posing and positive body language to improve your confidence and feelings of control in any social situation! Discover various power poses, the physiological changes they trigger, and how to incorporate them into your daily routine for long-term success in this Explearning lesson.

Hello Explearners. Welcome back. Recently in our community we talked about how to avoid doing a verbal tick. And repeating ourselves with discourse markers such as overusing a word, like, yeah. If you'd like to join our community, then you can sign up at academy.explearning.co we would love to have you,

In this week's lesson, we're talking about power poses and positive body language. If you're ready, let's get into it. 

Positive body language and power posing are two ways that people can use their body language to improve their confidence and feelings of power. Positive body language involves using body language that is welcoming and approachable, such as smiling and making eye contact while power posing involves standing or sitting in postures that make you feel powerful and assertive. Both of these behaviors have been shown to have a powerful impact on our confidence levels and feelings of control. And by incorporating them into our daily routines, we can improve our success in social interactions and feel more confident and in control in any situation. 

Power posing involves standing in a posture that makes you feel powerful, such as standing tall with your chest out and your arms akimbo. This can help you feel more confident and assertive in social situations. Positive body language on the other hand, involves using body language that is welcoming and approachable, such as smiling and making eye contact with the audience and with your interlocutors.

This can help you build rapport with others and make them feel more comfortable around you. Together, power posing and positive body language can be a powerful combination for improving your confidence and success in social situations.

What are some examples of power poses? 

 Some examples of power poses include standing tall with your chest out and your arms akimbo standing with your feet shoulder width apart, and your hands on your hips, or sitting with your back straight and your feet planted firmly on the ground.

Other examples include holding your head up high and looking people right in the eye, or standing with your shoulders back and your chin slightly lifted. These poses all communicate confidence and power and can help you feel more assertive and in control in social settings.

How can someone improve their power posing skills? To improve your power posing skills, you can start by practicing different poses in front of a mirror to see which ones make you feel the most powerful and confident. You can also try practicing power poses before important meetings or social situations as this can help you feel more assertive and in control of your communication.

Additionally, you can try to incorporate power poses into your daily routine, such as standing tall and stretching your arms overhead when you wake up in the morning or standing with your feet shoulder width apart, and your hands on your hips when you're feeling stressed. Over time, power posing can become second nature to you and can help you feel much more confident and assertive in any situation, personal or professional.

How can power posing increase your confidence? That's a really good question. Well, power posing has been shown to increase confidence and feelings of power by triggering physiological changes in the body. When we adopt a power pose, our body produces higher levels of hormones such as testosterone, which is associated with confidence and assertiveness.

At the same time, power posing also reduces level of the stress hormone cortisol, which can help us feel calmer and more in control. By triggering these physiological changes, power posing can help us feel more confident and assertive in any type of social situation and can even improve our performance in tasks that require confidence, such as in public speaking or in job interviews, or in meetings. 

So here are a few daily tasks or exercises that you can try to practice positive body language and power posing. The first one is to stand tall and stretch your arms overhead when you wake up in the morning. This can help you start the day with the feeling of power and confidence.

Practice making eye contact and smiling at people throughout the day. Obviously do this in a relaxed, non-confrontational or awkward way. You can do it naturally when you're getting coffee at your local coffee shop or having a meeting. This can help you to build rapport with others and make them feel much more comfortable around you.

Stand with your feet shoulder with a part and your hands on your hips when you're feeling stressed or anxious because this can help you feel more in control and assertive. Before any important meeting or social interaction, take just a few minutes to practice power poses in front of a mirror. This can help you feel more confident and assertive.

Try to incorporate power poses and positive body language into your daily routine. Every day, and over time those behaviors will become second nature to you and help you feel much more confident and like we said, in control in any situation.

Are you ready to put this into practice? I have a quest for you as well as some challenges you can do when practicing these concepts and strategies. You'll be able to access those resources when you join our private community Explearning Academy. So if you would like the quests, the challenges, the discussion that goes along with this lesson, and an opportunity to submit questions or ask me live, then you can sign up for our community Explearning Academy. So go to academy.explearning.co or just sign up using the link down below. I hope to see you there. 

To wrap up positive body language and power posing our powerful tools that we can use to improve confidence and feelings of control in any type of social situation.

By incorporating these behaviors into our daily routines, we can improve our success in social interactions, have better communication outcomes, feel more positive and confident, and of course assertive. And we can even improve our performance in specific tasks that require confidence and assertiveness.

So the next time you're feeling nervous or unsure of yourself, try standing tall with your chest out and your arms akimbo or smile and make eye contact with others. You may be surprised at the positive impact it can have on your confidence levels and overall success.

All right, Explearners, thank you so much for joining me for this lesson. I hope you enjoyed it. And don't forget to subscribe and share the podcast and the YouTube channel with anyone who wants to improve their social skills, social fluency, and communication.

All right, and I hope to see you in my community. Bye for now and happy Explearning.

About the Author and the Explearning Academy:

Mary Daphne is an expert in communication, executive interpersonal skills, and personal development. She is the founder of the Explearning Academy, a platform dedicated to helping individuals enhance their social fluency, boost their careers, and elevate their social game. Through immersive group coaching programs like the Executive Communication Lab and self-guided journeys, participants gain the social superpowers and career catapults they've been searching for. If you're ready to take your negotiation skills to the next level and connect with like-minded individuals, visit academy.explearning.co and explore the various plans available. Join the Explearning Academy community and unlock your full potential.

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