How To Get Someone To Like You
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If you want to win people over, have friends, and good professional relationship with them, they need to like you. In this Explearning Communications lesson, I teach you how to improve your social skills and networking skills by asking genuine and authentic questions so that people will talk about themselves.

When you meet someone new at a networking even how do you get them to like you?

The strategies I'm sharing in this blog post will help you give a good impression at any professional event, business meeting, holiday party, or networking function. 

The reality is that most people like to talk. And when we encourage people to talk about themselves, we hit a home run. This is because when we talk about ourselves, our brain releases dopamine, which makes us feel good.

Thus, when we let our interlocutors hold the floor and make it a point of getting them to talk about themselves, they leave with a more favorable impression of us. 

Here's how you get someone to like you by making the conversation about them and not you:

Find their interests

When people talk about what interests them they bloom. If you can identify someone's passions, that will ensure that they're doing most of the talking. Ad you are searching for their interests, ask questions about their life, experiences, worldview, hobbies, and current projects they are working on. This is how you will get someone to talk about themselves and what interests them. As you converse with them, be attuned to what they speak about with joy and fervor. That's when you know that you've found something they're passionate about. Pursue that topic for a while.

Show your curiosity

Now that you've identified what makes them tick, it's time to lean it. Show them that you are interested and curious about what they have to share. Try to mirror the same level of enthusiasm they have for the topic. This will help demonstrate genuine interest. Do not feign interest. Instead, ask probing open-ended questions about the subject. Be sure that you are respecting their ideas, without passing any judgement. It is not wise to evaluate someone if your goal is to communicate effectively and empathetically. Here is how you can practice showing genuine curiosity:

  • listen actively
  • lean into the conversation
  • avoid interrupting them to chime in
  • don't add your own opinion or judgement
  • avoid shifting the focus by talking about yourself
  • do not share your own similar story about the topic
  • seek to learn something from the conversation and topics discussed
  • ask questions to allow the speaker to clarify and elaborate on what they said

How you do this will make or break your ability to get the person to like you. Remember, you're not asking them question to get information to serve you or push your agenda. You are asking questions because you can learn from the person and you are impressed by their experiences and life story. Genuine interest and curiosity stems from a place of showing you care, admire, and value the person who is speaking. 

Here are some examples of follow-up questions to clarify and elaborate their points:

What did you learn (from that experience)?

How did it make you feel?

What is your biggest take-away from that lesson?

By showing true interest in the speaker, and what they have to say, you are paying them the highest honor imaginable. If you successfully get them to talk about themselves, congratulations. You've left a positive impression on this person and you've gotten them to like you.

Everyone has a story to tell. Are you ready to listen? Are you going to listen? 

I sure hope you do.

Happy Explearning 🌠

About the Author and the Explearning Academy:

Mary Daphne is an expert in communication, executive interpersonal skills, and personal development. She is the founder of the Explearning Academy, a platform dedicated to helping individuals enhance their social fluency, boost their careers, and elevate their social game. Through immersive group coaching programs like the Executive Communication Lab and self-guided journeys, participants gain the social superpowers and career catapults they've been searching for. If you're ready to take your negotiation skills to the next level and connect with like-minded individuals, visit and explore the various plans available. Join the Explearning Academy community and unlock your full potential.

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