All it takes is 7 seconds….to make a first impression.
What??? Are you kidding me? 7 Seconds? Yep! Today we’re talking about making first impressions.
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression." Will Rogers
You never get a second chance to make a great first impression… so what’re we waiting for? Let’s jump right into this.
You want to put your best foot forward to help build and maintain relationships. If you want to grow your network, build your business, find a tribe… the list goes on.
Humans are social creatures, we like interacting with people…unless you’re a misanthrope you probably like communicating with people.. well with at least one person in this world.
You cannot control what people think of you.
But you can control the image your project onto your interlocutors and your audience. How? By paying attention to these next points I’m about to give you:
A smile is a psychological signal of altruism. Person more likely to trust you. You appear more approachable and confident. Charismatic people tend to have a genuine smile and people gravitate towards them in social settings. Flashing a smile in those first seven seconds creates a stronger first impression and connection.
Slow and clear
Articulate your words. Speak slowly and clearly. Don't try to speed talk -- it’s not a race. Also don't use big words for the sake of trying to impress your listeners. This is especially true when you use a big word in the wrong context and it becomes nonsensical. So, unless you're 100% certain about the correct language use, avoid big words when you first meet someone. You also do not know if you'll need to define the word you use, so just steer clear until you get to know that person better.
Keep in mind that an information-overload doesn’t impress – it overwhelms! You’ll appear more intelligent if you speak clearly. Speaking clearly demonstrates thinking clearly. Clear thinking is a sign of intelligence. Scattered thought generally translates to inarticulate and hurried speech. By speaking slowly, you are giving your listeners ample time to receive, process, and synthesize information. Thus, you'd be wise to be deliberate about your word choice and pacing. This will show you are thinking clearly. It will also illustrate your confidence.
Posture is one of the quickest ways to feel more confident and look more confident. So definitely invest in a posture-fixer-upper (found on Amazon) or in some ballet and yoga classes. Seriously though. And if you haven't checked it out yet, watch my video about posture exercises you can do to boost confidence and presence.
When we talk about posture we are also referring to maintaining open rather than closed body language. This immediately indicates that you are approachable. A quick example of closed body posture would be crossed-arms and slouching. Contrast that with good posture and relaxed arms, thereby exuding confidence. Not only does an open body language and good posture give off the impression that you are confident, you also start to feel confident by doing this.
Moreover, you have an easier time breathing and are less inclined to panic in social situations because you have control over your breath. When we're nervous our breath quickens and we have a tough time speaking and thinking. So if you catch yourself panicking, fix your posture and slow down your breathing.
Another way to check your posture and boost your confidence is to strike a power pose -- also referred to as a power stance. Holding a power stance for just 2 minutes before walking into a room full of people (i.e., at a networking event) can give you the confidence you need to meet any social situation.
So remember, check that you have open body stance and good posture by lifting your chest up, squeezing your shoulder blades together, and releasing tension in your shoulders. This will prevent you from turtling over mid-conversation! Instead, command the room like the queen/king you are!
Dress to impress
Make sure that you are dressed appropriately for the event you are attending. Be cognizant also of the industry that you are in. Try to add your own personal flare or showcase your unique style and personality. This will help make you a bit more memorable. It goes without saying that your outfit should be clean, pressed, and tailored to your body shape. It brings a level of professionalism to the table that is important in professional networking events.
Be aware of non-verbals
Keep in mind your non-verbal communication when you are meeting and greeting people.
- Eye contact
- Nodding
- Smiling
- Eye-brow raise
- Firm handshake
- Leaning in
- Hmm, ahh, uh huh
- Appropriate gestures
Having a good command of your non-verbals sends the message of confidence, authenticity, and professionalism. Don't miss out on these.
Do your cultural research!
This is especially important in cross-cultural and intercultural communications settings, so take care to look into the appropriate hand gestures, facial expressions, body language, non-verbals greetings, etc.
- Smiling
- Handshake
- Eye contact
- Hand placement while sitting
- Personal space distance
- Bowing
- Volume
Alright, Explearners. I hope you try these strategies out the next time you are at a networking event and are meeting tons of new people!
Happy Explearning 🌠
About the Author and the Explearning Academy:
Mary Daphne is an expert in communication, executive interpersonal skills, and personal development. She is the founder of the Explearning Academy, a platform dedicated to helping individuals enhance their social fluency, boost their careers, and elevate their social game. Through immersive group coaching programs like the Executive Communication Lab and self-guided journeys, participants gain the social superpowers and career catapults they've been searching for. If you're ready to take your negotiation skills to the next level and connect with like-minded individuals, visit and explore the various plans available. Join the Explearning Academy community and unlock your full potential.
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