What is Grapevine Communication
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Learn about the four types of grapevine communication: single strand, gossip chain, probability chain, and cluster chain network. We also discuss the pros and cons of grapevine communication. And I teach you how to participate in a smart way, so you don't get caught in the drama.

Let’s talk about grapevine communication.

Remember that game, “telephone” that we used to play as kids?

You form a line and the first person comes up with a phrase like “The mother of dragons flies today.”

And the phrase gets whispered to the next person, making its way down the line.

The longer the line the more interesting it gets, right? 

The most fun part of the game is the end, when the final person announces the resulting phrase to the group.

Every single time, without fail, the final phrase is totally different from the original phrase. “The mother of dragons flies today” might become “Another of the wagons rides away.”

So why am I bringing this up?

Because believe it or not, the children’s game telephone exists in the real world. 

Yea, you bet. It’s called grapevine communication. And you might be surprised to learn that it comes with both pros and cons.

If you want to unpack grapevine communication with me, then be sure to stick around till the end to learn how you can participate in a smart way.

Ok so, when we’re kids, telephone is a fun game. We get a kick out of the distorted message at the end.

For obvious reasons, the game should more aptly be called broken telephone, because you can only hear the message once. So if you weren’t paying close attention, or the speaker didn’t enunciate the words or speak loudly enough, then the message delivery is compromised.

Also, the phrase is heard out of context. “The mother of dragons flies today” is a stand alone phrase. It doesn’t really have any specific meaning to someone by itself. Without more context, there aren’t any clues as to what the speaker means by it. 

So if this is a game, then it’s fun. 

But think about how this type of communication plays out in the real world.

A message heard out of context, and repeated by others, is likely to become quite distorted within a short period of time. That can be quite problematic if that information is about someone or something controversial. It can also be a problem if it is intended to convey important instructions.

This is called “grapevine communication” because the transfer of information is quite zig zag in nature and has no clear beginning or end, like a windy and twisted grape vine.

You probably know the phrase “I heard it through the grapevine…” when you are sharing word-of-mouth gossip. Well that’s related. 

This is an unofficial channel of communication that is not subject to oversight. And for this reason, it can spread like wildfire.

Let’s first look at the four types of grapevine communication and then go on to discuss the advantages and disadvantages. 

Single Strand

This is where a single person shares the message with another person. Then that person, goes on to tell one other person. So, this is exactly like the game telephone. It’s a linear communication process. A --> B --> C --> D --> E- -> F --> G

Gossip Chain

This is a small group interaction where multiple people are simultaneously exchanging information with each other informally. This type of communication pattern is favored when the subject matter is juicy but not directly related to the nature of the work people are involved in.

Probability Chain

This is where the person with the message will randomly select another person to share the information with. So the source of the message in each network is different. This type of communication pattern is favored when the information might be juicy but not critical to one’s work. 

Cluster Chain Network

This type of informal communication network seems to be the most common. You can think of this as one person sharing a message to a cluster of people and then within that group select individuals share the same message with another cluster of people. Think about when someone sends out an email to a list of people, and then someone on that list forwards it off to another list of people.

Now that we’re clear on what grapevine communication is, let’s talk about the pros and cons of this type of communication. And as a little teaser, at the end I share a strategy for effectively navigating grapevine communication without getting yourself in trouble.

Let’s start with the disadvantages:

Con: Rumors

The biggest disadvantage is that grapevine communication could spread rumors. It’s informal and unofficial information. That means that it could be unconfirmed information. Because it’s hearsay, it might result in mass disinformation, which can be a nightmare for a company or someone’s personal reputation. 

Con: Insensitivity

Since this is informal communication, the speaker will likely be less sensitive to how they say what they say, and to whom they say it. This often results in inappropriate language, offensive subject matter, and hurt feelings, even if the listener isn’t the subject of the information.

Con: Permanence 

It comes back to bite. Even though this type of information is shared informally, if it was conveyed by permanent means, such as email, web chat, or video, it is easy to trace the information to its origin. That can potentially incriminate the source, even if the information was said in jest. Think about how many people have gotten fired for accidentally offensive Tweets on Twitter!

So clearly there are a lot of risks involved in grapevine communication. But what you might not realize is that grapevine communication actually does have some real advantages. Let’s take a look:

Pro: Increased Comradery 

If you share something with someone informally, that is an implication that you view them as a friend. By sharing information in this way, you can strengthen a relationship and build a sense of trust. This is particularly true when you are venting or commiserating with each other.

Pro: Sense of Freedom

Your right to speak informally and share information as you please is a liberating feeling. This sensation leads to a happier disposition in general and research shows that it contributes significantly to increased productivity.

Pro: More Transparency

In a spontaneous and casual exchange of information, we tend to voice thoughts that might be deemed inappropriate or risky in formal contexts. Sometimes those thoughts end up being very important for the success of a project or the future of a relationship. In other words, grapevine communication provides a more comfortable environment to talk about uncomfortable topics, leading people to say things they might otherwise be too afraid to say.

Pro: Rapid Response

Sometimes information needs to be spread quickly. Formal communication can be slow because it needs to go through an approval process and the message may be garbled by political correctness. Grapevine communication, by contrast, is conveyed rapidly because it has no barriers to transmission. This can be important in urgent situations where speed is more important than polish.

Whew, congrats, you made it this far along in the article!

As a reward, here is the gem of a strategy for navigating grapevine communication without getting tangled in the tendrils. Get my joke? Cool.

So here we go: Only say things you are willing to repeat in public. And as a bonus, here are some criteria for ensuring this:

  1. Be honest
  2. Be kind
  3. Mean what you say
  4. Don't mention names, which avoids putting a target on anyone’s back

Remember that grapevine communication, when used appropriately, can be beneficial for building rapport, feeling free, increasing transparency, and spreading information quickly.

So keep it classy. Nurture the grapevine by watering it with positive and useful information to make people’s lives easier.

Alright Explearners, that’s a wrap on this lesson. Add these strategies to your Explearning communications toolkit, try them out, and make them your own.

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I’ll see you in my next lesson!😊

Happy Explearning!

About the Author and the Explearning Academy:

Mary Daphne is an expert in communication, executive interpersonal skills, and personal development. She is the founder of the Explearning Academy, a platform dedicated to helping individuals enhance their social fluency, boost their careers, and elevate their social game. Through immersive group coaching programs like the Executive Communication Lab and self-guided journeys, participants gain the social superpowers and career catapults they've been searching for. If you're ready to take your negotiation skills to the next level and connect with like-minded individuals, visit academy.explearning.co and explore the various plans available. Join the Explearning Academy community and unlock your full potential.

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